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Luca Staccioli shopping cart

Wake-up call, installation view, ArtNoble Gallery, Milano


Checkout #6, #4_Luca Staccioli
ArtNoble gallery_Luca Staccioli_Installation view 9_Web_ph credit Michela Pedranti
ArtNoble gallery_Luca Staccioli_Installation view 15_Web_ph credit Michela Pedranti

Installation view, Wake-up call, ArtNoble Gallery
Checkout #7
, 2022, 20x26x18 cm, glazed ceramic, Checkout #4, 2022, 27.5 x 32 x 22.5 cm
, glazed ceramic

ArtNoble gallery_Luca Staccioli_Checkout, p #2_Web_ph credit Michela Pedranti

Checkout, p#2
Lega di zinc, solder and lead
20 x 20 x 13 cm


Shopping cart by Luca Staccioli

Checkout, ricreazione #4
24x45x28,5 cm


Shopping cart by Luca Staccioli in glazed ceramic

Checkout #19
Glazed ceramic
22 x 28 x 18 cm


Shopping carts on a white street by Luca Staccioli
Luca Staccioli
Luca Staccioli

Checkout series reformulates the form of shopping carts. The iper-present and iper-fast icon of online purchases become a fetish, as fetishes are goods it contains. It appears both as votive ruin and precious matter. The size remind to a toy, by which childhood trains to adulthood, therefore to compulsive purchases, gym of productivity.

Ricreazione_Luca Staccioli_Osservatorio Futura_installation view 5.jpg


© Luca Staccioli

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