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Inhabiting atlas:

through the window-pane

2015 – ongoing
ongoing collection of various objects, wool, cotton
and silk embroidery, installation, mixed media
variable dimensions

Luca Staccioli_Inhabiting atlas_the othe

Installation view The other other, familiar other, curated by Bite the Saurus, Riot Studio, Naples.
Photo Danilo Donzelli.

Inhabiting atlas:
map #28, monete
map #29, scontrino Monoprix, La Marsa, Tunisi, Tunisia
map #35, coperchio di una scatoletta di sardine croata, EUROSPAR, Linz, Austria

map #37, memoria Ram, Imperia, Italia

Luca Staccioli_Inhabiting atlas_Installa

Installation view Kalki Club, curated by Current project, NESXT, Q35, Turin

Inhabiting atlas:
map #27, butt, Hotel de la Prefecture, Marseille, France
map #12, bus ticket, Genoa, Italy
map #5, flyer of self employed for building and restoration, street Konstantinou Paleologou of Thessaloniki, Greece
map #1, pack of cigarettes, bus station KTEL, Athens, Greece
map #3, football leather ball, Riad Zitoun Lakdim, Marrakech, Morocco

Luca Staccioli_Inhabiting atlas_map #1_.


Inhabiting atlas:
map #1, pack of cigarettes, bus station KTEL, Athens

15x10x2 cm
cotton embroidery on pack of cigarette

Luca Staccioli


Inhabiting atlas:
map #20, Crème fraîche tin, supermarket, Medina, Tunis, Tunisia

15x7x7 cm
cotton embroidery on crème fraîche tin

Luca Staccioli_Inhabiting atlas map #11,


Inhabiting atlas:
map #11, coins: French, Greek and Italian euro, Moroccan and Tunisian dinar

variable dimensions
cotton embroidery on coins


Luca Staccioli_The other other familiar

Installation view The other other, familiar other, curated by Bite the Saurus, Riot Studio, Naples.
Photo Danilo Donzelli.

Windowscape #1
Inhabiting atlas: map #2, scialle di bambù turco, Kos, Grecia; map #36, gusci d’ostrica, Café de Turin,
Nizza, Francia; map #38, biglietto della metro, Napoli, Italia

Luca Staccioli _The other other familiar

Installation view The other other, familiar other, curated by Bite the Saurus, Riot Studio, Naples.
Photo Danilo Donzelli.

Windowscape #1
map #36, oyster-shells, Café de Turin, Nice, France;  map #38, metro ticket, Naples, Italy

Luca Staccioli
Albert Camus map 2


Inhabiting altas:
map #33, page of the book L’étrange di Camus, Mareille, France

15x10 cm, 45x45 framed
cotton embroidery on book page

Luca Staccioli


Inhabiting atlas:
map #8, page of newspaper Annahar al Maghribia, Café Nouvelle Ville, Marrakech

70x90 page
Wool embroidery on page of newspaper

Inhabiting atlas: through the window-pane
2015 – ongoing
ongoing collection of various objects, wool, cotton
and silk embroidery, installation, mixed media
variable dimensions

The abstract geography appearing on a window-pane, on whose surfaces time has been settling signs and shapes of dust, plaster and saltiness, is a symbolic and existential border. Found in Imperia in the studio of the artist, the window-pane is opened in an horizontal dimension becoming a place of building, recomposition and sharing of a travel, of distant places and identities.
Inhabiting atlas: through the window-pane is an ongoing project, that starts from a collection of everyday objects found or exchanged during a journey across various cities and places. Each object is embroidered retracing the signs and shapes present on the window-pane. The embroidering, process of appropriation, slow and
meditative practice, seizes the ephemeral nature of the objects and their stories.
Inhabiting atlas: through the window-pane is nomadic and it is conceived to travel and to enlarge.

Luca Staccioli Bite the saurus


© Luca Staccioli

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