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Inhabiting atlas:
through the window-pane
2015 – ongoing
ongoing collection of various objects, wool, cotton
and silk embroidery, installation, mixed media
variable dimensions

Installation view The other other, familiar other, curated by Bite the Saurus, Riot Studio, Naples.
Photo Danilo Donzelli.
Inhabiting atlas:
map #28, monete
map #29, scontrino Monoprix, La Marsa, Tunisi, Tunisia
map #35, coperchio di una scatoletta di sardine croata, EUROSPAR, Linz, Austria
map #37, memoria Ram, Imperia, Italia

Installation view Kalki Club, curated by Current project, NESXT, Q35, Turin
Inhabiting atlas:
map #27, butt, Hotel de la Prefecture, Marseille, France
map #12, bus ticket, Genoa, Italy
map #5, flyer of self employed for building and restoration, street Konstantinou Paleologou of Thessaloniki, Greece
map #1, pack of cigarettes, bus station KTEL, Athens, Greece
map #3, football leather ball, Riad Zitoun Lakdim, Marrakech, Morocco

Inhabiting atlas:
map #1, pack of cigarettes, bus station KTEL, Athens
15x10x2 cm
cotton embroidery on pack of cigarette

Inhabiting atlas:
map #20, Crème fraîche tin, supermarket, Medina, Tunis, Tunisia
15x7x7 cm
cotton embroidery on crème fraîche tin

Inhabiting atlas:
map #11, coins: French, Greek and Italian euro, Moroccan and Tunisian dinar
variable dimensions
cotton embroidery on coins

Installation view The other other, familiar other, curated by Bite the Saurus, Riot Studio, Naples.
Photo Danilo Donzelli.
Windowscape #1
Inhabiting atlas: map #2, scialle di bambù turco, Kos, Grecia; map #36, gusci d’ostrica, Café de Turin,
Nizza, Francia; map #38, biglietto della metro, Napoli, Italia

Installation view The other other, familiar other, curated by Bite the Saurus, Riot Studio, Naples.
Photo Danilo Donzelli.
Windowscape #1
map #36, oyster-shells, Café de Turin, Nice, France; map #38, metro ticket, Naples, Italy

Inhabiting altas:
map #33, page of the book L’étrange di Camus, Mareille, France
15x10 cm, 45x45 framed
cotton embroidery on book page

Inhabiting atlas:
map #8, page of newspaper Annahar al Maghribia, Café Nouvelle Ville, Marrakech
70x90 page
Wool embroidery on page of newspaper
Inhabiting atlas: through the window-pane
2015 – ongoing
ongoing collection of various objects, wool, cotton
and silk embroidery, installation, mixed media
variable dimensions
The abstract geography appearing on a window-pane, on whose surfaces time has been settling signs and shapes of dust, plaster and saltiness, is a symbolic and existential border. Found in Imperia in the studio of the artist, the window-pane is opened in an horizontal dimension becoming a place of building, recomposition and sharing of a travel, of distant places and identities.
Inhabiting atlas: through the window-pane is an ongoing project, that starts from a collection of everyday objects found or exchanged during a journey across various cities and places. Each object is embroidered retracing the signs and shapes present on the window-pane. The embroidering, process of appropriation, slow and
meditative practice, seizes the ephemeral nature of the objects and their stories.
Inhabiting atlas: through the window-pane is nomadic and it is conceived to travel and to enlarge.
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