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Kit Eliminacode Multifunzione

Foto Gianluca Di Ioia © Triennale Milano


Photo by Michela Pedranti

The Kit eliminacoda multifunzione series originates from a real object: the snail-shaped ticket dispenser for queue elimination systems of the supermarket deli counter or waiting rooms. The form of the sculptures, both vegetal and anthropic at the same time, is created starting from a cast of the ticket dispenser snail, a common object, sometimes obsolete, then reproduced in glazed ceramic.


The ticket dispenser snail, an object with a precise organizational function, undergoes a process of transformation and de-functionalization, its sculptural potential explored as a political act of reimagination.

Through a process of replication, union, and aggregation, it becomes the matrix of a living, organic, and totemic body that evokes prickly pears.


The germinative rebirth of these everyday objects prompts us to consider possible ecologies that hybridize cultural and biological boundaries. The new forms, both living and mechanical, explore the relationship between body, objects, and landscape.


The work reflects on the coexistence of different species and challenges the anthropocentric paradigm, imagining new organisms that seem to suddenly blossom and survive humanity, allowing us to envision new ecological perspectives.

Kit eliminacoda multifunzione also recalls the prickly pear for its ability to generate natural clusters for self-protection and multiplication.


Kit eliminacoda multifunzione (fichi d'india) #9


65 x 32 x 37,5 cm

glazed ceramic


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (fichi d’india) #4
120 x 90 x 60 cm

glazed ceramic


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (fichi d’india) #1
59 x 42 x 49 cm

glazed ceramic


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (fichi d’india) #5
43 x 48 x 29 cm

glazed ceramic


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (fichi d’india) #10
47 x 45 x 26 cm

glazed ceramic


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (fichi d’india) #3
78 x 52 x 33 cm

glazed ceramic


Luca Staccioli_Artnoble_Miart24_124_web.jpg

Kit eliminacode multifunzione (fichi d’india) #8
179 x 110 x 65 cm

glazed ceramic


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (diario) 6/09/2022 ore 12.07
48 x 57 cm

Pastel, collage on paper


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (diario) 1/09/2022 ore 16.03
48,5 x 57,5 cm

Pastel, collage on paper


Kit eliminacode multifunzione (diario) 1/09/2022 ore 16.03
43,5 x 52,5 cm

Pastel, collage on paper


Luca Staccioli_Kit eliminacoda multifunzione_foto Gianluca Di Ioia © Triennale Milano__F2A
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